The Hydro project in Indonesia
We can proudly display our certificates that we have been a climate-neutral company since 2017.
Project – Climate compensation
Climate compensation in the Paradigm project in Kenya
The Paradigm project enables the distribution of 1,000s of efficient wood stoves and water purification technology to various Kenyan communities. Families now need less wood fuel for cooking and water supply, and the stress on the surrounding forests is reduced. Replacing traditional hotplates with locally made, efficient stoves reduces fuel use by approximately 50% and reduces toxic emissions by up to 70%.
By distributing these modern stoves, the Paradigm project generates household savings of approximately 15% – money that instead goes to food, school fees and other necessities. The project also promotes increased health through improved indoor air quality, which significantly reduces the number of cases of respiratory diseases and pneumonia. Safe water filters and public water dispensers that prevent waterborne diseases.

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Thousands of efficient wood
Fuel consumption reduced
Toxic emissions are reduced
Household savings
Finally, the Paradigm project also creates employment opportunities and economic gains, not least for women who save a lot of time that would otherwise be spent collecting firewood.

The project is certified by